Meaning Dream of Caravan, Cards and Carrousels..
Sunday, January 13, 2019
In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Caravan, Cards and Carrousels. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.
1. Caravan
(See Destination/Journey/Transport)
A caravan in your dream represents being able to go with the flow, this is probably referring to your home life. We don’t always know where our chosen road is taking us, and we have no choice but to carry on the way we are being pulled. A caravan being a temporary structure reminds us that our current situation is temporary and should change eventually. A caravan can also show us that we need to take a break from the current situation. Although these translations differ slightly when you think about it, it shows how your current situation is getting you down and you need a rest from it. The wanderer and not wanting to settle down.
2. Cards
a. Birthday Cards
In dreams these link with remembrance of milestones or happy times and bringing this into the present. Spirit have been known to send birthday cards through your dreams. If you dream of a birthday card and it isn’t your birthday perhaps your dream is prompting you to remember someone else’s birthday or remember how old you are, it might be reminding you to recognise that you are only young once.
b. Playing Cards
There are a few different translations of playing cards depending on the dream scenario, but to dream of playing a game of cards with someone else could show how you are trying to beat them at their own game; you are pitting yourself against them. If you are playing a card game like patience I would suggest that you must learn patience as an attribute, you might have to play the waiting game.
The different suits of cards can have their own translations, the red suits being positive and the black suits being more negative. In dreams the deck of cards could be giving you a message about the hand you're being dealt in your life at the present time and also about how you play that hand forward.
- Clubs will symbolise the outside world and the effect it has upon you.
- Diamonds symbolise positivity and quality
- Balance is needed in all things.
- Hearts relate to your emotional self, your love life perhaps.
- Spades represent the negative aspects that you have buried in the past.
- Jokers symbolise someone who plays no real part in your life now or a joker.
3. Carrousels
(See Fairground)
Repeated patterns underline the fact that we go over and over or round and round the same ground and changes need to be made.
- Just go along for the ride.
- The good times will eventually come along again.
- Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.
- Appreciate that all learning is good learning.
- What comes around goes around.