Meaning Dream of Catch, Cats and Cave.

In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Catch, Cats and Cave. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.

1. Catch 
(See Ball)
Playing catch can sometimes symbolise that you need to catch up with other people or get yourself up to speed their people’s expectations of you. You want to balance the responsibilities you are trying to negotiate. Catching a ball successfully is a symbol of accomplishment and of achieving success. To catch a fish will literally show that you have managed to land yourself a worthy partner.

2. Cats
(See Animals)

Cats usually link with the feminine and industrious side of a person’s nature. To see a black cat is very lucky and not unlucky like some people think.
- Use your psychic abilities.    
- Being independent.
- A woman who only shares affection when she wants to.

3. Cave 
You are trying to protect yourself from the outside world and do not wish to acknowledge exactly what is going on around you. Perhaps the caveman mindset is what is being highlighted to you, outdated views or ways of doing things and you need to remedy this before you can break down the barriers that stand in your way. Rocks and boulders often represent stubborn barriers which you yourself help to create.
- Out-dated values and thoughts   
- Withdrawn.

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