Meaning Dream of Bulldozer, Bulglar and Burial
Sunday, January 13, 2019
In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Bulldozer, Bulglar and Burial. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.
1. Bulldozer
A bulldozer is used as a symbol for any situation or person who pushes their way into your life to cause destruction or upheaval. Bulldozers are also used to remove obstacles that stand in your way.
2. Burglar
(See Intruder)
A burglar dream is trying to warn you to be careful with people who can take something from you, what they are taking in the dream may need translating as well, but they could be taking your energy, time or money. An energy thief.
3. Burial
(See Death/Mortuary)
This dream isn't an omen of death but more about letting go of the past and of buried feelings. Letting something go that has died or ceased to be valid anymore.
- Saying goodbye to a certain time of life.
- Trying to bury or hide problems.
- Feeling buried in problems.