1. Buildings 
(See Home/House/Rooms/Structures)
There is a lot of different symbolism available from buildings in dream language; they can help you to understand the strength of the things that you are trying to building around you. Buildings can help to explain how your life is structured and the support network that you have in place.  Buildings have also been used in dreams to explain the past and your connections to specific times of importance or how your life was structured then, in comparison to now. Buildings require care and attention to stay upright and protected from the elements and this will symbolise your own defence system or ability to be unaffected by outside   interference.  Overall, buildings will symbolise the structure of your life and help you to incorporate current ideas so that you can upkeep and support your own future.

2. Burn
(See Fire)
Heat are fire are used as symbols of passion and anger or any inflamed emotional reaction, therefore to get burnt in a dream can help you to understand the extent of hurt caused by other people’s anger or misguided passions.
To see buildings burn is to watch the destruction of the structure or set up of your current situation, changes will happen quickly, but they will make way for the foundations of a new more secure future.
- To put a fire out is to quash and dilute overheated feelings     
- Fire can symbolise being consumed by your own fears.
- If you play with fire you will get burnt.

3. Buttons

Buttons can symbolise the many different notions and ideas that you have.
- Make connections.        
- Button it.         

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