Meaning Dream of Chemist, Cheque and Chess.
Monday, January 14, 2019
In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Chemist, Cheque and Chess. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.
1. Chemist
(See Doctor/Drugs/Medicine/Nurse)
Help is at hand for the problems that you encounter, you may need to seek help from someone who has the correct medicine for your problem.
2. Cheque
(See Bank/Energy/Money)
To see or write a cheque in a dream can symbolise that you do have the means to make changes for the better, you need to cash in but a small waiting period could help you to see more clearly what is needed and where your energy should be put to good use. Another translation could be that you need to keep yourself in check and watch your behaviour.
Paying in dreams can symbolise keeping the karmic or spiritual levy balanced in that we 'pay' for our actions. Receiving payment in a dream is usually a way to say thank you for good the work or deeds that you have done or for you to finally get your rewards. Cheques signify that there is a small waiting period before you can get what you are waiting for.
3. Chess
They say that life can be like a game of chess, consider your moves carefully. The black and white can symbolise the ups and downs or the positives and negatives. Being strategic in your endeavours and using your intelligence to win. Consider if someone is trying to outwit you or win you over?