Meaning Dream of Bridge, Broken and Broom.

In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Bridge, Broken and Broom. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.

1. Bridge 
(See Destination/Journey)

A bridge is used as a symbol for connections over emotional phases; they help you move onward without having to be emotionally involved. Spiritually, bridges can represent the contact made with our spiritual selves and the need to get over obstacles that stand in the way of progression or enlightenment. They can also connect us with loved ones who have passed into the next phase of life.
Building or repairing bridges helps you to understand how you need to repair relationships before you can move forward. Being under a bridge simply implies that you do not wish to make a transition or move forward and that you hide from the challenges that you are faced with. Being stuck on a bridge tells you a little more effort is needed on your part to go further and cross the bridge from one place in your life into another.
A rope bridge is typically used in dreams to represent the fragility or the strength of your own resolve. Consider how strong you feel when having to get over the obstacles that you are presented with.
- Support during transitions.          
- A bridge links two phases of our life.
2. Broken 
(See Dismantle)
If something is broken in a dream then it brings your attention to the fact that something in your life needs repairs, you will of course have to work out exactly what needs mending, but this dream merely wants you to think about if this is possible for you to do. Sometimes we are shown that something is broken beyond repair; this is so that we can accept this and move forward in another direction. Breakages in a dream could symbolise break ups or picking up the pieces left behind by broken bonds, you could be trying to reassemble the remnants of a damaged relationship. Cracks help us to understand how cracks can appear in relationships and if left unchecked will continue until there is complete ruin.

3. Broom 
(See Cleaning/Dust/Sweeping)
A broom represents the tools that you have at hand to clear away negativity when you are presented with it in its many forms; these tools are skills that you have developed over time to deal with hurt or hindrances that are in your way. Dust for example symbolise remnants from the past, so you are attempting to use the skills you have acquired to clear your space of all the negative things that have built up over time. A clean sweep.

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