Meaning Dream of Boat, Body and Bolts
Thursday, January 10, 2019
In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Boat, Body and Bolts. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.
1. Boat
In dream language boats link with our emotions and represent the way we get over them or ride the waves that come along for us to deal with. The boat itself provides a symbol for the balancing mechanism that we need to stay afloat when we are on an emotional journey. The journey you make in a boat represents how well you deal with the current emotional phase and the boat itself represents resilience and buoyancy. A boat can also symbolise the shared emotional journey especially if other people are in your dream boat; you are all in the same boat! The type of boat you are in can help with the overall meaning. If it is a row boat then you must try and understand your own emotions and guide them in a forward direction, rather than letting them carry you along aimlessly. If the boat has an engine, then you tend to ignore your emotional attachments and power on-wards regardless of the ripples that you cause for other people to deal with.
2. Body
The way in which our bodies function in our dreams can help us to acknowledge how we feel about ourselves in relation to how our life is turning out. The physical body can be overwhelmed by the daily grind of life and this often manifests in our dreams as obstacles that we need to overcome. Body parts can be used as symbols because they help to get a message across. For example, a dream where one’s legs are stuck in hard cement will happen because there is a feeling of not being able to move forward, the dreamer can identify the cement as providing a symbol for the obstacle that you are dealing with, but you must also interpret legs for a complete translation. When the inner feeling has been acknowledged the dreamer can start to identify ways in which to free themselves from the cement and work towards freedom.
3. Bolts
(See Tools)
In dreams any type of nuts and bolts can be used to symbolise security and of keeping things together. Loose nuts and bolts warn you about the risk of things falling apart. It depends on what the bolts are being used for in your dream to gain a clearer interpretation.