Meaning Dream of Blindness, Boa Constrictor and Boa Feather
Thursday, January 10, 2019
In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Blindness, Boa Constrictor and Boa Feather. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.
1. Blindness
(Eyes in Body)
Blindness is an obstacle dream showing you how you need to open your eyes and see the true picture. Perhaps you do not have all the information that you need to see the next step forward. Blindness can also show spiritual ignorance and the need to widen your horizons and knowledge towards spiritual growth. Blindness can also explain how you are sometimes blind to someones faults. Something or someone stands in the way of you being able to move on. Being lost!
2. Boa Constrictor
(See Animals, Snakes)
This tropical snake will symbolise a person or situation that becomes overbearing or suffocating for the dreamer. Constraint. A hot headed person with a cold heart.
3. Boa (Feather)
A feather Boa informs the dreamer that they should let themselves go and relax the strict routine that dominates life. The feminine charm.