Meaning Dream of Comb, Compass and Computer.

In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Comb, Compass and Computer. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.

(See Brush/Tangle)
A situation needs untangling or straightening out.

2. Compass

if you dream see Compass, it's mean You need direction.

3. Computer
(See Books/Computer/Email/Library)
A computer nowadays often replaces a library in dream translation; it stores and shares information in the same way that books have always done.  You can also accumulate, store and share experiences and the earth itself is considered a planetary library. In dreams the computer and library symbols are used to help us understand that we are all interlinked and connected to each other in a spiritual way and our experiences are stored by us to help us make progress, this knowledge should also be passed on to other people. If there is a problem with the computer in your dream then there is an issue with you understanding the knowledge that you have, there is a processing error.

Dreaming of the Internet sends you a strong message, that there is not one experience that hasn’t been experienced before by somebody else, if you are having trouble dealing with your own set of circumstances and you don’t know how to move forward or solve an issue, there is a huge collection of experiences that are very similar or the same as your own and a computer or library is the ideal place to search for answers or assistance.
- A database can symbolise the store of knowledge that you can tap into.
- Interlinked.
- You need to understand information that you have.
- Processing information.
- You are looking for answers and guidance.

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