Meaning Dream of Bottles, Box and Bracket.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Bottles, Box and Bracket. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.
There are many meanings of bottles in dreams depending on the type of bottles seen. Baby bottles link with the nurturing side of people and the need to look after something for it to grow and develop. Bottles of alcohol can link to dependency and the need to consider or acknowledge the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol can also be used to show a time to let your hair down and a need to enjoy the social aspects of life occasionally so decide which sort of translation is appropriate for you or somebody around you. Bottles, jars and alcohol are used to ‘preserve’ so you should consider what you are trying to preserve it could be your energy, your health or your integrity.
2. Box
(See Chest)
Something could be hidden from you, or at least it has been put away until you can deal with it. If you see what is inside the box, then translate that as well. Boxed in? Moving?
A gift box symbolises a gift you are given, not always of monetary value but of some other value to you, like a spiritual gift. This type of dream can also be used to represent the now or the present.
- You are gifted so don’t hide it.
- Appreciate and value what you do have.
3. Bracket
(See Shelf)
A bracket of any kind is used to symbolise a support system that holds you up when you are under pressure, but if the bracket is broken or not doing the job it was designed for then this dream is reminding you that there are issues with your usual form of support. Translate what the bracket is being used for in your dream to get further information.