Meaning Dream of Barefoot, Barking and Basement

In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Barefoot, Barking and Basement. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.

1. Barefoot 
(See Bare/Feet)
This symbol will occasionally represent poverty but is also used as a symbol to express spirituality and being humble. The shoes you wear in a dream are a symbol of how easily and comfortably you can move forward on the path that you have chosen. Therefore, to be without shoes explains that you are vulnerable and less protected from the harsh ground that you may come across. This will link with the choices you have made and the outcome of those choices.

2. Barking

To hear dogs barking in your dream is a way for you to understand that you are being given a warning, dogs are protective and will tell you when someone is around, this might happen so that you are on your guard against people who intrude into your life.

3. Basement 
(See Cellar/Dungeon)
In dreams a basement will hold all the things that go on underneath the surface, or the things that you do not wish to share with the rest of the world. A basement is part of a larger structure and this reminds you that it is part of the reason that your life is structured the way it is, in other words the issues that you keep hidden from the outside world give rise to the patterns that your life seems to follow now. What is in or going on in the basement will help you to understand what is really going on underneath the surface of your own facade, it is usually where we store our junk or the stuff we do not wish to deal with. Because the basement is the lowest part of a building this explains how it is the junk that we store away that makes us feel low or depressed.

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