Meaning Dream of Baby, Bacbone and Bad
Thursday, January 10, 2019
In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Baby, Bacbone and Bad. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.
1. Baby
(See Birth)
Babies symbolise the growth process and the various stages from infancy too maturity, this isn't always about people and their own personal growth but can also relate to business and personal relationships. Babies symbolise the potential for growth and the need for nurture and safe care to reach success and maturity. Babies also help you to understand that you oversee the outcome of a new adventure and of then seeing it through to maturity. Dreaming of a baby who isn’t your own could explain how you have taken on a responsibility that belongs to someone else.
Sometimes dreaming of an unknown baby will be a premonition of a new baby within the family set up, but quite often the dream refers to new beginnings or a fresh start in a project that you want to create. A small baby will symbolise a small project or task which has the potential to grow into something bigger if you put in the time and effort. A large chubby baby represents a project that has already been given time and attention, it is a reminder that you are doing well and to carry on the way you are. Whereas a baby who looks malnourished or fragile will help you to understand a project that needs looking after better, it needs more of your input to become sturdy and robust. This symbol will help to explain neglect and a lack of care and attention as well as situations where you have already worked hard, but it just never seems enough to create growth or success. A baby helps you recognise when you are going to invest a lot of time and energy into something, but this will mean long term care and dedication if you want it to continue to make progress.
To see a baby swimming on its own is a way for you to recognise that something quite small can stay afloat and carry on without too much input from outside. This might be appropriate for a small business that can survive through tough times for example. This symbol could also be used to symbolise someone who is treated like a child even though they are more than able to support themselves.
Dreaming about a baby while you are pregnant happens because you are adapting to the new responsibility that the new baby will bring, you are preparing yourself mentally for the mega task of bringing a child into the world and then raising it to the best of your ability. It is no wonder that many women experience nightmares during pregnancy, your dreams are helping you to adapt and face your fears so that when the time comes you have already begun to toughen up.
2. Backbone
(See Bones/Skeleton)
If your backbone is highlighted in a dream this could refer to your own personal strength and your ability to remain upright when there are added pressures to deal with.Perhaps you need to get some back bone and toughen up when times get difficult. Watch your back.
Negative contamination from outside sources or from negative people whose attitude tends to overtake everything.
3. Bad
(See Pus/Rotten)
If something is going bad or decaying in a dream, then it literally means that something in your life is slowly deteriorating or showing signs of neglect. You will need to look at other symbols in the dream to try and work out what is deteriorating; it could be a personal relationship or your own behaviour that needs consideration. To be eating food that has turned bad explains that you are not experiencing good things in your life right now, possibly through no fault of your own. There are always some aspects of decay in our lives and this must happen so that new phases can begin.