Meaning Dream of Addiction, Admiral and Adultery

In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Addiction, Admiral and Adultery. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.

1. Addiction 

Any addiction is used as a symbol to show you that you are dependent on something or someone and this is detrimental to your overall well-being. Sometimes an addiction is present in your life and it manifests into a dream to make you aware of a problem that you are ignoring, maybe because you do not feel ready to let something go or because you are close to someone who has addiction problems. This dream will recur until an addiction is accepted.  Addiction dreams use symbolism like being unable to use the brakes in a car to show how you are unable to stop, this way the dream is expressing your lack of control over your life. Addiction is one of life’s cruelest obstacles and can only be overcome when a person is ready. Mostly addiction dream symbolism will link with your inability to take control of a situation, if an addiction is becoming life threatening or too out of control your dreams will try to warn you about this, but these types of dreams are tailored to the individual using whatever symbolism works best. 

2. Admiral
(See Boat/Journey)
An Admiral might be used to symbolise a person who should take charge and steer the family towards calm waters. This type of symbol will usually link with the journey dream and the existing emotional journey you are on. This symbol reminds you of your own power and energy so that you can take charge of the helm and guide you and your family in the direction that you want to go.

3. Adultery 
Dreaming of committing adultery might happen because you are looking for qualities in a partner that seem to be missing from your own personal relationships. You can explore other relationships in a safe way through your dreams. If you dream that your partner commits adultery it will link with the ‘fear dream’ scenario and your own insecurities about the relationship, this happens when you need to deal with your insecurities for the relationship to make progress or find balance.

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