Meaning Dream of Abscess, Accident and Ace.

In this article, I will discuss some common meanings behind dreams about Abscess, Accident and Ace. Each dreamer needs to find his or her own personal meaning among the common observations.

1. Abscess 
(See Wound)
An abscess will represent collective negative energy in dream symbolism, which will eventually need to be attended to, it will require care to promote healing and restoration. An abscess gives us the feeling of something that is festering inside or eating away at us. Emotional pain and anxiety which needs you to instigate or cut away at the source of a problem if you want things to get better.

2. Accidents 
(See Crash/Journey)
Any type of accident in a dream rarely foretells of an actual accident, more likely they are used to symbolise a situation that happens by accident and not a planned event. (You didn’t plan for this) It helps you to remember that circumstances are out of your control and sometimes you can only watch as things come to pass. 
This doesn't mean that the accident you witnessed in your dream is going to play itself out in your waking life. An example of this is when you dream of traffic accidents, these types of dreams will often relate to the journey you are on, or the shared journey. Collisions can represent the colliding of different personalities and this can affect the journey you are on together. It can mean that you try to change tact or avoid confrontation, therefore the accident symbolises a time when you cannot avoid the inevitable any more. 
Seeing other people in an accident helps you come to terms with your own lack of power over them, as much as you want to protect them and keep them safe from harm you cannot protect them from themselves. This type of dream helps you understand how powerless you feel against things going wrong, this type of dream also happens to people who worry a lot and it can be viewed as a face your fear dream where you must harden up and understand the term "What will be, will be." You can’t prevent people from getting hurt, the hurt is usually shown in dreams as a physical hurt when in fact the hurt is the type that is felt on the inside and it this suffering that makes us all stronger. You can’t protect someone from this life learning. A mistake!

3. Ace
(See Games)
If you see an ace card in your dream, then you are being shown a successful outcome for a chance that you take. Aces are also used to symbolise positive people. The hand you are dealt now is a positive one.

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