All Meaning About Eyes in a Dream
Thursday, January 10, 2019
To see your own eyes in your dream represents enlightenment, knowledge, comprehension, understanding, and intellectual awareness.
When we notice eyes in a dream, they often seem profoundly striking. Sometimes we will even wake and remember those eyes as the single most memorable image of the dream. It can be as if those eyes see through us to our very soul, or as if when we look into those eyes we see something deeper there, some kind of wisdom or insight that knows more then we can ever say. And yet when we remember that everything in our dream is a part of us, it becomes clear that dreaming of eyes is a way of looking into ourselves.
We may dream of human eyes, of animal eyes or our own eyes. We may dream the eyes are wise, kindly, and understanding, or they may be startling, vivid and piercing. Animal eyes may thrill us with their wild power, or scare us with their predatory gaze. In these dreams it is helpful to try and relate to the animal. Think, it is my dream, my head, I am the tiger in the jungle – how does it feel?
What are you doing as a tiger? You may discover hidden strengths you didn’t know you had!
The way the eyes look at us can be surprise us and amaze us. These dreams are often signs that we are starting to see things in new ways, that we are discarding old ways of thinking for new ones, that we are losing our prejudices to see things as they really are, or that we are learning new things about ourself, new qualities that we never thought we had.
- To dream of eyes is not simply about how we see the world and ourselves, these dreams can also have wider meanings associated with the eye’s abilities to convey truth despite no words being spoken. We might like to consider such phrases as:
- To “avert one’s eyes”, as when we look away so as not to witness something horrific or shameful; out of shame, fear, shyness or subordination so as not to meet another’s gaze who we wish to remain hidden from
- The “scales falling away from one’s eyes” is reference to gaining sight after blindness, and can symbolise when we see something as it really is for the first time
- To be a “seer” is a role that involves looking into the future or seeing events far away, which in dreams can symbolise a growing understanding of our place in the world, how our actions have repercussions far away in distance and in time
- An “eye for an eye” can symbolise justice and equality, or it may have negative connotations to some of base violence and revenge
- To “turn a blind eye” is to ignore something, and in a dream may ask us what are we choosing not to see, that we really know is there, or going on?
- “Apple of my eye” is a symbol of great affection, something to be cherished, particularly when times are difficult
- “More than meets the eye” might mean we are only looking at a situation from superficial perspective, and maybe we ought to take a second look and see what we might be missing
- “Eye catching” can mean something that deserves our attention
- “Shut-eye” can indicate the need for sleep, rest, or maybe just to slow down and take a holiday!
- The “eye of the storm” can mean the centre of something, and usually a moment of peace to find respite amidst a stressful, emotional or chaotic time
- The “eye of a needle” is a symbol of small details, it can mean attempting to force something that is never going to work (like threading a rope through the eye of a needle) or it can refer to an area that you are paying meticulous attention to
Because the eyes don’t lie, in dreams they will often appear to reveal to us something we either didn’t want to see, have just become ready to see, or something that is too profound to put into words. The language we speak with eyes is universal, every human can tell a smiling eye from a crying one. We know our deep feelings show in our eyes, be it love, anger or hurt. We look away when we don’t want someone to know what is really going on inside us. By our dreams are inside us. We can not look away from ourselves.
Our dreams may ask to consider if we are shortsighted, in that maybe there is something important we are overlooking, or maybe we haven’t considered all the long term implications of our choices and need to consider a longer term view. If we are wearing glasses, have lost glasses or need them for the first time, this can be a sign that it may be a good idea to take a look at ourself, our choices and check that we have all the right information before we proceed. Maybe we didn’t see something we should have.
The eyes really are the windows to the soul, and when we notice eyes in a dream it can be a way of looking directly at our own soul, of seeing deep inside our own subconscious. Dreaming of eyes can reveal what is really going on, or that we aren’t really looking in the right direction. But justice is blind, and so too is love. Sometimes what we know is more than what the eyes can see.