7 Meaning of dream about Clothes
Monday, January 14, 2019
Meaning Dream Of Clothes
(Common Dreams: Nakedness)
In dream Language clothes are used to symbolise the facade that we create for other people to see. If our clothes are old or tatty in a dream then our ideas and attitudes have become outdated, sometimes poverty can present this way but usually this will link with the fact that we have let some things become un-cared for, or we have neglected some aspect of our life. We can of course be spiritually poor meaning that we pay no attention to our spiritual well-being.
Wearing worn or torn clothes also links with the way in which life and its trials and tribulations can wear you down, it can therefore symbolise feeling worn out and tired of a current situation.
New clothes symbolise a new fresh approach and presenting ourselves in a positive way to the outside world, new clothes can also symbolise a new set of circumstances the dreamer is experiencing and wearing nice clothes can also show improvements in your finances.
If we smarten our appearance we are putting on a nice front for people to see and therefore create a new approach and reinvent ourselves for the new role we have to play. Beautiful clothes can also reflect the attention and care that is put into one’s own spiritual progression.In spiritual movements the physical body is referred to as an overcoat that we wear while living a physical life, when we pass into the spirit world we are said to shed the overcoat (the physical body) and swap it for a spiritual one that vibrates at a different energy level. Consider if the clothes you are wearing in a dream could be referring to your physical body or your spiritual one, as well as representing how you feel you are viewed by other people. The real you is the soul beneath the overcoat that you present to the world, the spiritual ‘you’ cannot be worn out. Clothes offer protection from being seen or understood and being naked in a dream brings forth your personal vulnerabilities for all to see. You are not prepared for what you are taking on.
1. Coat
A coat offers protection and warmth from the elements, maybe other people and their coldness or circumstances that bring about loneliness. Cold in dreams usually symbolises a time of inactivity or a phase in life that is lacking in love, so to be warmed by a coat could show that you are held in warm affection by someone around you. If you are not happy with the coat, then maybe you do not feel satisfied with the affection you get or unsure if the person offering the warmth is right for you. Basically, a coat is used to show how you feel about the protection and warmth you get from the people who are providing these things. Spiritually this could represent the protection you receive from the spirit world.
2. Dress
Very similar in meaning to a coat but the dress is used to reflect how you feel about yourself. If your attention is being drawn to the dress, you are wearing in a dream then the message being given is to take note of how you feel you are seen by the people around you as it might not match the way you feel about yourself. The condition and style of the dress will help to get the message across.If you are wearing an unusual dress it could mean that you are being shown various aspects of your own personality that you do not make good use of.
Wearing a dress that is shabby or worn out can be simply translated as it shows how you feel physically worn out and undervalued, you just can’t dress it up anymore.
3. Hat
Hats can protect the mind from negativity and help you to understand your own thoughts and feelings better by blocking negativity from other people, this will stop you being influenced by their opinions. Respect your own resourcefulness and have faith in your own abilities to work things out for yourself. A hat can also cover or hide the thoughts from other people. The type of hat you wear in a dream might give further explanations.
4. Cap
a. A cap will link with your social life and friends. Don’t cap your own potential.
Party Hat
b. A party hat refers to enjoying the present and ignoring people who wish to spoil your fun. Party time. Stop the negative thoughts and just have fun.
Woolly Hat
c. A wool hat helps to provide warmth and protection from negative influences or thoughts. Maybe you feel woolly headed and are not thinking clearly.
5. Nightclothes
Wanting or needing rest and comfort.
6. Shirt and Tie
A shirt and tie can symbolise that you need to make more of an effort and put yourself over in a professional way; it can also show you that you need to be smart or clever, roll up those sleeves and get on with it, smarten up your act for success but formal occasions could also be highlighted this way.
6. Shoes
Shoes often symbolise the way we are getting along onour current chosen path. If the shoes we are wearing are inappropriate for the activity we are doing it can show that we do not have the correct ideas or attributes to succeed in a venture and must change some aspects to continue. It could be your attitude that needs adjusting.
In dream language wearing unusual shoes describes walking in a new role or treading a new path that hasn’t been experienced before and how you will feel having to do this.
- If the shoes are too tight then the role you are playing is not particularly comfortable for you to be in, this can relate to home, work, money or relationships and to your current spiritual journey. Shoes that are not a good fit can also represent a couple that don’t fit well together making for an uncomfortable journey together.
Shoes are mostly used as a symbol in dreams to make you think about how grounded you are as a person and how you use your own circumstances to move forward on your present journey.
- The type of shoes you are wearing, and their comfort give you clues to the attributes you have to move forwards regardless of the situations that you find yourself in.
- The sole of the shoe can occasionally be used to symbolise the 'soul' and how you are spiritual, grounded and earthly all at the same time.
- Wearing someone else's shoes in a dream simply reminds you to walk a mile in someone else's shoes before making judgements, it can literally be making you aware to consider other people and their chosen road in life in comparison to your own, they may also have attributes that you need to try and adopt.
- Trainers or sports shoes relate to training that you need to do, this can link with the spiritual journey and developing that side of you. If you are comfortable in the trainers then you are comfortable with who you are and where you are going. Training.
7. Trousers
For a woman it can show that you need to wear the trousers and be a bit more forceful to get the things you need in life. For a man it can show the type of personality you need to adopt, i.e. cargo trousers would translate how you need to soldier on with demanding work and training. Smart trousers show that you need to smarten up your act and act more responsibly or maybe you need to be more informative and 'upfront'.